The special nativity play
Nativity play also this year? Only How?

Exceptional times require exceptional measures. This was already the case in Bethlehem two thousand years ago, and today, too, we are facing special challenges.
The pandemic, with its current level of infection, is forcing us all to step back, and this at a time when we all would rather move closer together. And all the more so in the upcoming pre-Christmas period. Many things are different now and require flexible solutions. Innovative solutions. This also applies to the church services of the Lutheran congregation in Plauen (Germany). The question arises of how Christmas services can be held in compliance with hygiene regulations.
As a solution, a variant outside with plenty of space to ensure the prescribed distance was planned. The parish has a parkland area directly next to the church, which is ideally suited for this purpose. Here, however, the problem arises of effectively providing this large area with sound. The congregation only has a permanently installed ELA system. No other technical equipment is available.
The options of borrowing or buying were discussed. Since the congregation had been planning to purchase event technology for some time, a decision was made to buy. The current challenges have simply pushed the topic up the agenda. The procured technology will then continue to enrich indoor and outdoor events in the community and will be used by the church band in good faith.
For this reason, a concept was created to meet the requirements.
- transportable
- high speech intelligibility even over long distances
- as flexible as possible
- expandable
- easy handling
- robust
- cost-efficient
- future-proof
VLS 64 column loudspeakers from K.M.E. were then purchased. These offer the required flexibility, especially with regard to speech intelligibility over long distances. Furthermore, this loudspeaker with its fullrange characteristics offers a basis which can also do without a separate subwoofer. The low weight as well as the compact dimensions complete the picture. A 32-channel digital console with separate stagebox is used as a mixing console. Various microphones from Shure and Rode, some wireless, provide the signals from the nativity scene, the pastor, instruments and choir. Accessories such as tripods, cables and cases complete the setup.
The volunteers were another important reason for a purchase decision. They have sufficient basic knowledge as well as the desire to intensively deal with the subject matter. This is not always the case. Here you can always rely on our partners. Whether as a complete service, dry hire or purchase.
Is your church also looking for ways to implement your nativity play? Talk to your local technical service provider! They will be able to help you and support you in the implementation of your nativity play with both advice and action. We will also be happy to help you find a competent cpartner. Please contact us!
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phone: +49 (0) 37467 558 0
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The current restrictions are hitting the event industry particularly hard economically. Take the opportunity and support your local distributor with your order for this year's nativity play!
We wish you a blessed Christmas season. Stay healthy!
Your team from K.M.E.