
Bhutan Innovation Forum 2024

K.M.E. exclusive sound equipment supplier

The Himalayan kingdom with only around 800,000 inhabitants wants to open up and modernize. The reason for the BIF Bhutan Innovation Forum from October 1 to 3, 2024.

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Cultureel Centrum Jan van Besouw, Goirle/NL

Extensive K.M.E. fixed installation

The cultural center is located in a former monastery. The beautifully renovated buiding complex is ideal for this purpose: it offers a large theater hall, a chapel, a foyer café, training, conference and meeting rooms, studios for radio and tv, among others, as well as a music and ballet school.

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Multifunctional hall, school complex, Ustka, PL

Zespól Szkól Ogólnoksztalcacych i technicznych w Ustce

The multifunctional hall of the school complex in Ustka, Poland, was equipped with K.M.E. IPS 12 as part of a new sound system concept by K.M.E. partner Linearic from Wroclaw. The hall is intended to be used for a variety of sports, cultural and leisure events, supporting a positive development of the common good.


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