In Extremo is rocking the castle of Weißenfels
Galo Line Array shows its strengths

As part of the "Burgentour", In Extremo was fascinating the audience in the ambience of the Schlosshof in Weißenfels.
"In these beautiful and historic scenes, we just feel really good on stage and we are already looking forward to be able to celebrate there with all the fans again in summery temperatures," says singer Michael Robert Rhein.
For this venue the Galo series came into play. A total of 11 line array elements Galo G10 per side and 6 positions with 2 GB 218 provided sufficient power reserves and enough low-end for a variety of sound applications during the festival week. The setup was powered by 12x DA 230 digital amplifiers. As nearfill 8x QL 906 were used.
For monitoring, 12x MCX 12 as well as two sidefills consisting of 3x QLB 215, 2x QF 5045 V2 and further 4x DA 230 as well as 3x DA 428 were used.
The event was realized by our partner JAM-SOUND Veranstaltungstechnik.