Kunstkraftwerk Leipzig (Germany)
K.M.E. Products for Immersive Sound

As part of the cooperation agreement between the Kunstkraftwerk Leipzig and the HTWK Leipzig, the test installation of an immersive sound system took place on 26 and 27 August 2019. Based on the basic idea of supplementing the existing successful immersive multimedia shows in the Kunstkraftwerk with a corresponding sound system, the project was carried out by Steven Kästner and Max Wileschek - both studying at the HTWK Leipzig Media Technology - under the direction of Dipl.-Ing. Christian Birkner prepared.
For sound reinforcement, VLX 5 / ICS 5 for surround sound as well as to the column loudspeaker VLS 64 / ILS 64 for a locatable front sound were used. The speakers were installed in three levels in the machine hall. The lowest ring was composed of 13 speakers in 1.60m height, the upper ring of 6 speakers in 5.00m height and for the ceiling 4 speakers. The low-frequencies were reproduced by 4 GB 214 subwoofers. For a possible concert sound situation 5 column loudspeakers were flown on a traverse, in order to realize a locatability of the individual artists on stage. All loudspeakers received a separate signal delivered over a Dantenetwork directly from the "SpatialSound Wave" server.
They were decisively supported by René Rodigast of the Fraunhofer IDMT in Ilmenau, who provided the heart of the immersive audio production system "SpatialSound Wave", which is based on the wave field synthesis.
Kerst Glass, Holger Schiema and Friedemann Leutsch from the loudspeaker manufacturer K.M.E. from Klingenthal, accompanied the project comprehensively from the start and provided a total of 32 loudspeakers as well as 8 digital amplifiers and other infrastructure for the test setup.
Furthermore, Falko Urban from Yamaha CA supported the project with key components for the necessary audio network.
The very successful test installation impressively demonstrated to all those involved the potential of immersive sound systems and, in particular, the significantly expanded design possibilities for audiovisual projects at Kunstkraftwerk Leipzig. As a result, it was agreed to work together on concrete plans in a timely manner in order to implement a permanent installation of such a system in the KKW.